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IMPORTANT: Your signature on this document will be used to verify your identity. This is done by comparing your signature to the existing military records on file. It is important that you sign this document correctly. Do not scribble.
February 13, 2025
Dear Representative ,
I requested my military separation documents from the National Personnel Records Center (NPRC) at the National Archives. They have been closed to regular operations due to the pandemic since late March.
I am required to have my separation document showing an honorable discharge in order for me to get veteran benefits.
I hired Home Access to represent me in locating and retrieving my documents. The NPRC has informed them that they may not reopen to regular business until September or later. They further stated that this reopening may be delayed due to a lack of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and disinfectant.
Why hasn’t the NPRC been declared an essential service?
DD214Direct estimates that the current backlog at NPRC is 300,000 veterans who will be denied employment, VA mortgages and other benefits because the agency refuses to open.
I know we all have to do our part to endure the consequences of the pandemic. Veterans are losing job opportunities, mortgages and other critical benefits while the federal employees at NPRC sit at home waiting to go back to work.
Please respond to my request and copy my Veteran Advocate at DD214Direct.
REPLY BY FAX: 480-393-1925
*Overnight Delivery by Email Once DD214 is Received by DD214Direct